We are Karün

We are all nature
“To be nature”, this is what Karün means in the Mapuche language; Ancestral indigenous culture of Chile..

What’s Karün?
Learn more about our vision and purpose for this planet. 

“To be nature”, this is what Karün means in the Mapuche language; Ancestral indigenous culture of Chile. The natural is very typical of our country, that with wild Patagonia has motivated us to look at things in a different way, inspiring us to see beyond the ordinary and to reflect on our essence as human beings. Located in one in one of the most inhospitable places on the planet, local communities learned to observe and listen to the wise advice from the earth, to coexist in peace with its natural environment. This is how Karün’s vision was formed, that seeks to do things differently, to live in a world that is concerned with being in harmony with nature, understanding that as human beings we are not the rulers of this planet.

The world doesn’t belong to us, we are just one more species among billion others, and as such we are sharing it, we need to be conscious.

 At Karün we are not just making eyewear with recycled materials. We want to use this eyewear as a symbol of the new vision we can have about ourselves and the way in which we build our society. An icon of the change of paradigm.

 Fashion is one of the 3 (some talk about the 5) most contaminating industries in the world and eyewear is an iconic element in this market. In Karün we want to use these industries channels to transmit a message of change through example, to inspire millions of people and companies.

 We are materializing this philosophy in high-quality eyewear, made in a completely different way. Instead of a linear and extractive production process, we are building our entire value chain under a circular and regenerative model.

 We want to prove that a high-value product such as eyeglasses, in an industry as polluting and large as fashion can be rethought at every stage of its production chain.

From Chile, from its extreme Patagonia and competing with the great brands of the world. We want to be an example, because if we can do it, every big production company in the world can, which means that together we can change the way in which our economy works, not just in theory and in value, but also in the production.

 We are a B Corp which currently has offices in Chile and Sweden to position this message around the world, starting with Latin America and Europe.

 Join this movement, let’s look at the world from a different point of view.