Karün Blog

Volvo Ocean Race: Meet the sailing competition that is fighting against plastics in the oceans

Bigger players are starting to take serious commitments around the globe, to tackle an issue that is the outcome of our lifestyle..

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Karün and our challenge

Our blog is a space to share different stories that have to do with our way of seeing the world..

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Know more about "Overshoot Day" and why it is urgent to become aware

Since August 2 that the earth lives "on credit" after consuming the total amount of resources that can be renewed in a year. What do you do to avoid it?

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Do you know how much the fashion industry contaminates?

The fashion industry is characterized by promoting consumption through its constant seasonal changes which has driven the "fast fashion", garments that are produced quickly and, as being low cost, are also acquired quickly, which generates a feeling...

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Our experience at "Balloon Arauco 2017"

We were part of the eighth version of the program that helps rural entrepreneurs build their small businesses and this was our impression..

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From Ocean Collection to "7 Seas Collection"

No one can change the world alone, we need the 5 continents working together to protect the 7 seas..

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World Environment Day

Learn more about this emblematic date that invites us to evaluate our contribution to the ecosystem and how to celebrate it..

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We are Karün

“To be nature”, this is what Karün means in the Mapuche language; Ancestral indigenous culture of Chile..

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